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4.2 ( 1632 ratings )
الملاحة أخبار
المطور: Politechnika Łódzka

The NaviPŁ application is a great convenience in moving around open areas and buildings of campuses A, B and C of the Lodz University of Technology. The system offers search services for interesting objects (with a wide range of data filtering options) and assistance in reaching a specific destination, including detailed indoor navigation in the 15 largest buildings on the campus of the Lodz University of Technology. The application also includes a number of accessibility options for disabled people, offering the ability to designate special routes with facilities that take into account the degree and type of disability, or the option of remembering the position of a parked vehicle and later determining the return route. NaviPŁ also means immediate access to the latest information about the life of the Lodz University of Technology.plikacja NaviPŁ to duże ułatwienie w poruszaniu się na terenach otwartych i budynkach kampusów A, B i C Politechniki Łódzkiej. System oferuje usługi wyszukiwania interesujących obiektów (z bogatym wachlarzem możliwości filtrowania danych) oraz pomoc w dotarciu do określonego celu, w tym szczegółową nawigację wewnątrzbudynkową w 15 największych budynkach na kampusie Politechniki Łódzkiej. Aplikacja zawiera również szereg opcji dostępności dla osób niepełnosprawnych oferując możliwość wyznaczania specjalnych tras z ułatwieniami uwzględniającymi stopień i rodzaj niepełnosprawności, czy opcję zapamiętania pozycji zaparkowanego pojazdu i późniejsze wyznaczenie trasy powrotnej. NaviPŁ to także natychmiastowy dostęp do najnowszych informacji z życia Politechniki Łódzkiej.he NaviPŁ application is a long-awaited convenience in moving around open areas and buildings of campuses A, B and C of the Lodz University of Technology. The application offers navigation both outside buildings using GPS location and inside the most important and most frequently visited buildings of the Lodz University of Technology. Getting to a class or meeting has never been so easy. The application also includes a number of accessibility options for disabled people, offering the ability to designate special routes with facilities that take into account the degree and type of disability.he NaviPŁ application is a great convenience in moving around open areas and buildings of campuses A, B and C of the Lodz University of Technology. The system offers search services for interesting objects (with a wide range of data filtering options) and assistance in reaching a specific destination, including detailed indoor navigation in the 15 largest buildings on the campus of the Lodz University of Technology. The application also includes a number of accessibility options for disabled people, offering the ability to designate special routes with facilities that take into account the degree and type of disability, or the option of remembering the position of a parked vehicle and later determining the return route. NaviPŁ also means immediate access to the latest information about the life of the Lodz University of Technology.